Veganism is a philosophy of life. It is not just about eliminating the foods that are derived from animals in our daily life, but also it means eliminating everything that may come or has been tested on animals such as personal care products, cleaning products, clothes, among other things. Any act that culminates in animal exploitation is abhorred by those who follow this philosophy. Veganism is not associated with politics, gender, ethnicity, or a particular culture. It is a universal practice.
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About our diet
People who adopt veganism in their lives, contrary to what many ones think, have a very balanced and healthy diet. The vegan diet includes many vegetables, fruits, but also many kinds of cereals and legumes. Through the combination of foods, it is possible to achieve the so-called complete protein and all the vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates that the body needs to nourish and live healthily.
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The sustainable issue
Did you know that about 70 billion animals are killed each year for human consumption? Animals bred exclusively to nurture this human need that was created. In times of global pandemic, it is also worth mentioning that about 70% of modern diseases are of animal origin and most of them are linked to agriculture and livestock. Besides, looking at an environmental domain, 14.5% of greenhouse gas emissions are caused by agriculture and livestock. And we still have the issue of water consumption in the production of meat-based foods, which is 10 times more than in vegan foods. It just shows how closely connected things are and the importance of veganism to break that cycle.
The FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) stated in research that the meat industry is the main cause of deforestation, using the areas to create pasture and forage fields. Livestock uses more than 30% of the land area and occupies 33% of the entire arable area for the production of fodder.

People who follow veganism want a better, fairer world, without animal exploitation, combating world hunger and preserving the environment. If you are interested in this philosophy, but think that you will never be able to follow it, start small, one step at a time. Seek to do first what you consider possible. Over time, the body adapts to your new choices and each day you get closer to your goals.