‘Whether through
words, colors, sounds, or stone, art is the language of sensations”
Artistic experimentation goes far beyond interpretation. It is emotion, beauty, strangeness. The artist produces art for various reasons and purposes. One of them is to escape reality, to live the playfulness, or to “keep sanity” as the artist Nivaldo Gonçalves said in an interview with us.
Born in Presidente Prudente, in the western region of the state of São Paulo, Nivaldo began his artistic life at the age of fifteen, advising painting studios, as well as giving workshops on artistic drawing and comic books in state schools. Going through several artistic aspects such as painting,
drawing, photography, woodcut, sculpture, and collage, he shows his appreciation for knowledge and innovation.

His techniques explore digital tools, acrylic paint, watercolor, ink, Ecoline, colored pencils, and other materials. In his works, it is possible to perceive an attentive look at urban interventions such as graffiti, besides the representation of social minorities in his photographs and paintings. Black and white art is predominant in its photographic records, allowing us to see life in the city within its challenges and contrasts.

His work has influences from impressionism, cubism, and modern primitivism, such as geometric traces, decomposition, and fragmentation of forms, a tendency to monochromatism. It presents a production that should not only be observed but also deciphered, a consequence and result of the experiment carried out by the artist.
Below you can see some words from the artist in his statement:
“I started my career at a young age, at the age of fifteen, advising small painting workshops, and teaching workshops on artistic design and comic books in state schools. During this period, I improved my works through courses in the areas of illustration and advertising design. In regards to my works, I feel a great creative freedom when I am in front of brushes, paints, or a camera. As an artist (and a researcher), I appreciate the idea of exploring different paths to achieve a certain goal, whether through new technologies or conventional materials. Eroticism, religion, racism, and exclusion are just some of the themes covered in my artistic creations. In all these years of work, I have accumulated significant experiences through actions and educational projects for educational institutions or by participating in art exhibitions. There is no doubt, every artist must reinvent himself daily. ”

The artist’s commitment to the Verdandi project was incredible! You can realize that his commitment goes beyond the screen. Take the opportunity to follow Nivaldo’s work on Instagram @ nivaldo407 and tell us what you think of this participation! We end here with some exhibitions done by the artist:
He participated as a guest artist in the collective installation “Entre-Linhas: Tintas e Palavras” promoted by SESC Thermas in 2013, in Presidente Prudente. He was awarded the Mapa Cultural Paulista Award, 2013/2014 edition in the category of Humor Design. He took part in the International Contemporary Art Prize “ADRENALINA – Jesus 3.0” held by the Coletivo Cultural Adrenalina, in Rome, Italy, in 2016. He was selected to participate in the exhibitions “PRESENTE” and “MAE – Mostra de Arte Erótica” organized in 2016 and 2017 in São Paulo (House of Xiclet).