When it comes to yoga, it is very common to associate it with a difficult and even distant physical activity for several people, but the truth is that yoga is a tool, which if used properly, can serve as a great help in the process of self-knowledge, with loving and self-host.
But what would be this process of self-knowledge that people talk so much about?
The search for self-knowledge begins in the searcher’s will to achieve genuine happiness, since, in order to be truly happy, we need to discover the veils of illusion that cover our perception, often originated by external influences, and face the deepest aspects of our being. After all, how to be happy without knowing yourself?
Seeking self-knowledge ranges from body awareness and the understanding of the mechanisms of the mind to the reconnection with spirituality and creative energy.

When searching for body awareness, we must understand that our body is the vehicle that allows the manifestation of this life in the material field, therefore, we must always be attentive to the signals it transmits and take care of it through conscious eating, physical exercises, movements and cultivating healthy habits. The process of understanding the mechanisms of the mind, which is extremely challenging, happens through the expansion of consciousness and the understanding that we are not our thoughts and that we must live vigilant so that we do not fall into the unconscious traps that it can insert us. Finally, in order to reconnect with spirituality, we start from the principle that we are the manifestation of creative energy on the material plane, therefore, God is not a man who lives in heaven judging and punishing us, but God is present within each one of us, in nature, in animals and even in the situations we experience. We must soon be connected with this energy in every small gesture of our life, with balance, love, and acceptance.
And how can yoga help us in this process?
Yoga is a practice that, through breathing exercises, silencing the mind, self-observation and self-control, inevitably brings to the practitioner a strong sense of presence and awareness by silencing the noisy mind, calming the heart and stimulating our vital energy, providing good being and tranquility.

The practice of yoga should not be something difficult or exhausting, so the practitioner should seek a modality that best resonates with his/her moment and his/her search since there are several modalities with different purposes and approaches. Hatha yoga, for example, works with a greater focus on the preparation of the physical body, the practice of ashtanga works with discipline and commitment, whereas vinyasa flow seeks better fluidity of energies and movements. The modality we work on at VHMOR is Integral Yoga, a loving and introspective practice, which integrates several types of approaches, lines of thought, and schools of traditional Indian yoga, with the aim of working on the expansion of consciousness and greater harmonization of spiritual and material life. This practice happens through working with postures, meditation, pranayama, mantra chanting, and approaches to philosophical aspects of classical yoga, in addition to the search for personal development as a human being, since true yoga must happen outside the mat in real life.

Have you ever practiced Yoga? Would you like to know more and be with us on this?
We are beginning our classroom lessons at Espaço VHMOR again, with all hygiene and safety precautions.
Talk to us for more information!
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