Creativity comes from the Latin “creare,” which means to create, produce, or make something. It has to do with innovation, originality.
The ability to create is inherent in human beings since we are born with it, it is part of our brain connections. It can also be developed as a skill. What’s the best way to do that? What is the best way to take the abstract to the concrete? In addition to bringing conscious and unconscious together, creativity is a catalyst for elaborating our identity, for internal development. The connection between art and creativity is a social strength mechanism. It is capable of transforming environments, people, and jobs from the personal to the social.
Art is also intrinsically linked to the individual, just as creativity is. This is a reflection of artists’ experiences who turn abstract ideas into concrete projects.
Several steps that you can take to improve your creative ability are as follows:
The escape from routine helps to empty your mind, to relax, to create a state of flexibility within your life, which facilitates the creative process. Try something new, watch something different, or read something different. It may be worthwhile to try a different activity or just go down a different path on the way out.
Study problems and brainstorm solutions – Think about problems, solutions, and the various ways to apply the solution. Just say or write whatever comes to mind, even if it doesn’t make sense at the time. Collect as much information as you can to calmly analyze it later. Take notes at random and in different styles. Soon, they can accomplish a lot.

Create exercises – think outside of the box when it comes to everyday items. What else can you do with an object besides its original function? If you traded that for it, what would happen? Place items or furniture in a different location. Encourage the fluidity of space and air your ideas. Simple things can be great and valuable to create.
Observing the world around you, instigating curiosity, discovering new things – Different textures, sensations, discovering new paths, discovering new places. Change the atmosphere! Take a chance and step out of your comfort zone.
Talking with others – not necessarily about the topic you are thinking about – can also be very beneficial for the development of an idea. Having a conversation, even with a stranger, can inspire you.
Last but not least, consume art! Nothing like good poetry, delicious music, an instigating work or an incredible performance do not inspire you to create. There are times when a naive word turns a box of creativity.

Did you enjoy the tips? We’d love to hear about your creative process and if you have any new suggestions for us! See you soon 🙂