09/07/2018 Bárbara Gual
Jay Krishna Devi Dasi is the name of the eighth participant of the Verdandi Project, with her work inspired by the Human’s Consciousness. The artist firstly got in contact with art through her mother, describing that paints and brushes were daily things in her childhood. Her artistic production began in 2013 when a car accident took her away from a career in the audiovisual field and brought her closer to the practice of meditation, devotion, self-inquiry, and recognition of the truth. The artist has already passed through several artistic aspects such as music, dance, cinema and photography. Nowadays she returns her focus to painting with acrylic paint in glass. For the artist, there is no intention to make art, because art is made naturally. There is no pre-defined idea of creation, it is about allowing, so that the art can be done by itself.
Below you can read her artist’s statement:

“The art itself is the motivation to make it. The beauty of looking at it, and the dissolution of yourself in the process. As simple as the motivation to cook when we are hungry, the drawing, or the painted figures, appear as the picture is being painted, sometimes as thought, sometimes in the strokes that are being formed in the glass.
The life itself, the Lord, the Consciousness, can be the inspiration. Looking in the simple sense of the word inspiration, as something external that touches us, then from the simplest activity like going to the market, to even the most complex contemplation of the analysis of the great “Cosmic Consciousness Metaphysical of Being” could be the inspiration. It is in itself the great art, the suffering, the joy, inexplicable sensations, possibilities and impossibilities; the curiosity about itself.

The choice of acrylic and glass came in one afternoon at my mother’s house, where an old window was set back for many years. Unleashed by an accident, I underwent a major transformation in professional, personal, and in all areas of my life. As an internal relief, or an inner voice that welcomes in a difficult moment, I began to paint it. Acrylic paint is cheap, and does not have much scent, and is water based. I try to prioritize materials that cause the least impact both in the environment and body. The freedom to work with acrylic on glass was also a good thing, as it allows complete freedom of movement from subtle finishing to washing all of it, destroying the work and starting all over again.
There is no intention to convey anything specific. There is a connection with the work of life itself, the self-knowledge and rediscovery of our true love nature, allowing movements to be guided by something other than the mind, which for better understanding can be called art intuitive, or meditative art. All the work is offered to the great teachers who instruct me in this journey, B.A.Paramadvaiti Swami, Mooji, Adyashanti and all the masters who brought the knowledge of the transcendence of personal Consciousness to our true nature as Immaculate Presence.

I propose the challenge of existing only, without a context or form, and at the same time harmonized with the context and the form in which we are inserted; simply enjoying and feeling completely the duality that exists around, looking at oneself and the world from the silence of the heart.
Once I saw a very interesting video that said something like, paint like a child, who paints just to see how it will look like.
You can follow a little of the artist’s process in the video below:
Jay has based her ideas on the theories Jnana Yoga (non-dual) and Bhakti Yoga, reflecting in her work a part of her innerself, in her words, “that part that comes from the Whole and return to the Whole” and guides the artist to the recognition of Truth. The artist demonstrates her lightness and the veracity of her artistic influences not only in the delicacy of her works, but we also perceive this in her way of dealing with people, of seeing the other and of sensitizing oneself. We believe that art has this paradoxical particularity: at the same time that it resists, discurses and denounces, it is also capable of bringing peace, fulfillment and cherishing. And that is simply wonderful!
Follow VHMOR ans Jay Krishna Devi Dasi on Instagram!